Sunday, February 27, 2011

I was giving the presentation of The Wedding Banquet. I told them to listen carefully so they could tell me what Jesus was trying to tell us about the Kingdom of Heaven. They listened intently. So intently, that one 8-year-old said when I had finished, that he needed to hear it again. He also asked me exactly what "binding hand and foot" really meant. So we went through the whole presentation again. Then we thought about it, and they children were very good at thinking through what Jesus meant. However, the little fellow still looked very concerned. Finally, he asked me if we could add another figure to the story--The figure of a queen. Intrigued by his thought pattern, I asked why. He was very clear. "Well, you see, if there had been a queen, she'd have given the fellow who showed up without a wedding robe a second chance."

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