Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jesus is the son of God.
He is the dwelling of the Lord,
Who was not even defeated by the powers of death.
He sits upon the mighty throne of eternal holiness,
And cannot be taken down from it.
Healer of the sick, giver to the poor,
And rightful son of man.
May all the rightful people of earth praise his exalted name.
by Kimble, age 10


Grace said...

Concerning the Sacrament of Penance...

What materials would you suggest for parents for their own enrichment? What materials would you recommend for parents to use with their children?

Center for Children and Theology said...

Your reflections on the words and art of the children offered in this blog are welcome. Please check our website for our resources for parents and children. Parenting: a Sacred Path is a little gem that helps parents see their work as parents as a gift to their spiritual journey.