Monday, March 9, 2009

Jesus, Remember Me.....

During Lent some children (five year olds) were working with the altar materials (a boy and a girl). The little boy began to hum a song... the girl recognized it and began to sing, "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom." A child nearby was copying Psalm 23. She stopped and began to sing. Three girls doing tracing also stopped and began to sing. Soon most of the children (20 in class) were singing! I was near the two who were mixing the Leaven. They also sang. When the song stopped, several of the children laughed and the two I was watching just smiled at one another and went back to work. I knew then the real power of the leaven lesson!

1 comment:

Catherine Maresca said...

A Christian pastor was telling me on Monday that he softly sings hymns while waiting for the Metro in Washington DC. He hasn't gotten the waiting crowd to sing along yet - aren't these children a wonderful model of the ability to enjoy the moment created by a song dropped into their midst?