Monday, May 25, 2009

Jesus is my only power.

During a Pentecost celebration. The children had lit small candles to place in front of the "gift" candles with the Paschal candle behind all. We were enjoying the moment, singing or being quiet. Kristopher, age 5, made this bold proclamation:

Jesus is my only power.
He was born and rose from the dead.
He is the (my) light,
the only son of the Father.'

Monday, May 18, 2009

Jesus can break into a million pieces

(Excerpt from a discussion between two 5 year old boys)
Tyler: Jesus can break into a million pieces, so He can go into everyone's heart.
Simon: Doesn't he get weak? If He's into a million pieces...
Tyler: No! He's as strong as ever. Each piece is all of Him.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We are in Jesus and He is in our hearts

In working with the preparation of the chalice, Kendall's response after talking about the wine being changed into Jesus was, "We are in Jesus and He is in our hearts." He then thanked God for waking his family up this morning.

Monday, May 4, 2009

"I will hug you as if you were my mother"

"God, I will never leve you out of my heart. And I will do the same things for you Jeses. When I die I will see you for the first time and when I see you I will hug you as if you were my mother."

Taylor, age 8, wrote out these words after receiving a presentation on the Origins of the Eucharist.